very good this week though the markets react well to the economic pressures dictated by a default ” although technical and remote ” American ,
in fact all markets reach maximum important , pass the word on prices to establish the zone of accumulation or distribution ,
I’d be for the drive towards new highs again but alas will always be the price to decide.
the world economy is now down for twenty years and then a nice recovery would be ideal ,
I think very few in numbers and year 13 represents renewal … we’ll see.
to represent the opportunity that presents itself is the thought of a scholar :
” We can not pretend that things will change if we keep doing the same things.
The crisis is the greatest blessing for people and nations , because the crisis brings progress .
Creativity is born from anguish as the day comes from the dark night .
In the crisis that is the inventiveness , discoveries , and big strategies .
Who overcomes crisis, overcomes himself, without being ‘ passed ‘ .
Who gives the crisis its failures and difficulties, violent his own talent and gives more value to the solutions to the problems .
The real crisis is the crisis of incompetence . The inconvenience of people and nations is the laziness in seeking solutions and ways out .
Without crisis there are challenges , without challenges life is a routine, a slow agony. There is no merit without crisis .
In the crisis that emerges the best of each , because without crisis all the winds are only slight breezes .
Talk about crisis means increasing it , and be silent in the crisis is to exalt conformism . Instead , we work hard .
Let’s finish this once and for all with the only dangerous crisis , which is the tragedy of not being willing to overcome it . ”
(from The World as I see it by Albert Einstein )
This analysis is not an invitation to invest!
good weekend.
ps. see you in Milan to Trading OnLine Expo 2013 to Palazzo Mezzanotte Borsa Italiana
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