This week ended very well,
volatility has prevailed towards the buy side and such a nice young bull was facing the Italian market,
we will see in the future stability of this young bull …. In fact, while in Italy
All criticize Italy in length and breadth of the planet but I’m confident of my country and I love it,
and I’m sure that at this time the prices of the Italian market attract
a huge amount of capital that already quietly since last year are entering into the coffers of the best companies.
Meanwhile, I was happy to savor small personal satisfaction, and yes,
some years ago I decided to close some business, and to redeem, redemption was a bet on myself!
I knew I had excellent skills, but I was not hungry for success, and so the losses resulting from trading,
and I already lost a lot, before you learn how to earn and earn steadily,
helped me to isolate me and make me reflect on my future,
not I never lost hope to continue to do what I’ve always been humble and sincere,
but above all I believe in the goodness and genuineness that life offers us.
is thanks to the passion for my work the results are coming back!
Today I dedicate to all the traders who want to do this job in my life and thought them I say, give and you shall receive!
This analysis is not an invitation to invest!
good weekend.
good weekend.
Wall Street in rosso! Chiusura del 3 febbraio 2025 negativa
84 / 100 Powered by Rank Math SEO Wall Street tra tensioni commerciali e incertezze economiche: il 3 febbraio 2025 A Wall Street, la giornata del 3 febbraio 2025, si è aperta con una forte